Sunday, November 13, 2011

3 Cool Online Forms to Capture Info on Your Market

Developing a product has its own set of challenges but not understanding your consumers is an entirely set of challenges that needs to be addressed as a priority for all inventors. These days the cost for preparing credible primary market testing can be astronomical. Marketing firms can charge thousands of dollars to identify customers, conduct surveys or focus groups, and provide data. One cost effective solution for tracking consumers needs is to develop your own online forms for customers to identify with and complete.

Two possible options

JotForm claims to be the "Easiest Form Builder". It takes only about 10 minutes to register and there is also an iPhone app version. The free version includes unlimited forms and reports, 100 Mb of data storage and up to 100 submissions. is more complex and has the ability to integrate with spreadsheets created in other applications, such as Google Apps, to generate reports. A free account includes five forms with up to 50 items per form, 10 reports, 100 submissions and 50 Mb of data storage.

What is most important is that you begin thinking about developing tools to capture information and data from potential consumers so you can continue to validate the market.

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